Uploading Exhibits

Selecting a Case

From the Upload page, you can submit exhibits to cases in a particular court. To do so, first select the appropriate court from the "Select A Court" drop-down. Then, enter the case number for the case you wish to submit an exhibit for. Be sure to enter the full case number, though you may omit dashes (i.e. 45-F3-05-000548 and 45F305000548 will both work). Then, click search. Any matching cases will appear below, and if the case is not confidential you will see the case title. Once you find your case, click "Select Case" and the file uploader will appear.


Uploading Exhibits

After selecting your case. Either click "Browse..." and navigate to the file(s) you want or click and drag the file(s) onto the uploader. Once you have selected the file(s), they will begin uploading and a form will appear for each file. You may begin entering the information while your files upload. On each form, you can name the exhibit and indicate what type of exhibit it is. You may also select a reason why the exhibit may need to be non-public. Selecting an option other than "This is a public exhibit" will mean the exhibit is only accessible to members of the court, and cannot be viewed or downloaded within MNDES. Finally, you can write any special instructions you have for the court about your exhibit and how it should be handled. Once you have completed each form and your files have finished uploading, the "Submit to County" button will appear. Click it to submit your exhibits and the information about them to the court.
