Home Page

After logging into MNDES, you'll be greeted with the Home Page. From here you can quickly reach all parts of the Digital Exhibit System.


Quick Access

In the upper half of the home page there are three buttons for quick access. Clicking "New Submission" will take you to the Upload Page, where you can search for your case and upload your exhibits. Clicking "Update Profile" will take you to the Profile Page, where you can update your name, phone number, or notification settings. The "Contact Us" button will take you to the documentation landing page, where you can find contact information for MNDES.


Recent Submissions

In the lower half of the home page is the recent submissions section. Here you can see list of your 10 most recently submitted exhibits, including details on their status. Clicking "View All Submissions" will take you to the Submissions Page, where you can see any older submissions.


Top menu

In the top-right corner of each page in MNDES, you will see three items:

  • Your name, which if clicked will take you to the Profile Page.
  • The language drop-down, which allows you to choose your preferred language.
  • The "Logout", which if clicked will log you out of MNDES.


On the left side of each page in MNDES is the navigation menu, which allows you to navigate between the different pages of MNDES. Here you will find a list of the following options:
